Engine Replacement Services
Call Today, 850-482-4594 Or Visit Our Facility

If you have a vehicle engine that has been costing you hundreds or even thousands of dollars to continue repairing, you may be prudent to consider an engine replacement.  For over 25 years, we have been advising vehicle owners on whether to continue repairing their existing vehicle engine or lean toward an engine replacment.  Our expert mechanics will walk you through the advantages of an engine replacement so that when you do make a deicision on whether to continur repairing your existing engine or replace it, that decision you make will be a sound decision. 

Remanufactured Engine Parts

Remanufactured engines arrive at our facility with a predetermined number of parts in the engine.  We will walk you through what a remanufactured engine comprises in terms of parts, and what parts we will use from your existing engine.  These are some of the parts that may or may not be included in a remanufactured engine:

  • New Camshaft, Valve Springs, Lifters, Push Rods, Pistons, Piston Rings, Main Bearings, Cam Bearings, Timing Chain, Timing Gears, Reconditioned Cylinder Heads & Gaskets & Oil Pump. 





Remanufactured Replacement Engines

Since we have been in business for many years replacing worn out vehicle engines, we have established long-term relationships with quality distributors who provide engine replacements that carry a warranty.  We know and understand that making a decision to replace a vehicle engine is a serious decision and one that must be made based on facts and engine repair and engine replacement costs.  

There is never a good time for an engine replacement, but when it is needed please give us a call as our technicians will replace your engine with the engine that will best meet your vehicle’s performance requirements.  This is a recent engine replacement in the photos below.